I just returned from an awesome time at the "
Randy Elmore Fiddle Camp." There is something about spending a week immersed in the music I love that makes my summer. It wouldn't be complete without it.
As you can see it isn't just "old folks" who love to fiddle.
It's young, old, doctor's, teacher's, mom's, dad's, grandma's grandpa's...
Master musicians teach all day. They break long enough to rest, eat lunch and get back to class.
At 5pm it's time for supper.

After supper the all night jams begin. In rooms, in buildings, under trees, in small groups, in large groups-take your pick.

There is music for everyone. Music is everywhere and anywhere you look.
Darkness falls.
Before sun-up the musicians lay down, catch a few winks and it's time to get up, get ready and get back to class.
Sister's reviewing their music.
Sometimes the unexpected happens.
It is an awesome experience, one I look forward to every year and as tired as everyone is at the end of the week no one is ready for it to end.
Have a great weekend!!!