Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Tall Feather's Haunted House...

I helped Tall Feathers make a haunted house out of paper last week. The pattern left over from my days of teaching school. He loved it and keeps wanting to "decorate" it more. I'm thinking a pair of skeleton earrings dangling from the tree would look good, but can't remember to bring them.
Here are the results:

I don't really go in for things that have a strong flavor of the supernatural or ungodly things. I don't like it in movies, books, or holidays, but at the same time I think that the power of an object is the power we give it. I give no power to a jack-0-lantern or a paper ghost hanging from a twig or a cloth dracula or any costume. Trick-or-treating or dressing up in scary costumes is just fun. It doesn't bother me a bit because I know where the real power lies and it certainly isn't demons on Halloween night just because it's Halloween night-that would be giving too much power to the idea of Halloween. Halloween is kids having fun and I have fun with it too.
Hope you have a Wonderful Wednesday!!!

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