Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Sex Party...

O.K., I'm on the computer just now trying to decide what to blog about when my I-phone pings, meaning a text just came in. I look at the text and see that it's from my youngest.
She writes:
 Do you want to come to a sex party on June 30th?

I've never been invited to a "sex party" and if I had been I'm sure as heck it wouldn't have been an invitation from one of my kids.

Turns out my middle daughter is going to find out what she's having on June 29th. The sex party involves a cookout, a cake baked by youngest that is either pink or blue on the inside, and nobody(except youngest), not even pregnant daughter finds out what sex the baby is until the cake is cut.

O.K., I must admit, this sex party is starting to sound exciting. Oh, and did I tell you it's a "surprise sex party".
Have a great rest of the week!!!


  1. Surprise, surprise... now that's one sex party that wouldn't make me blush.

  2. Hahahahaaa....only you!!
    HOW FUN!!!! Let us know!!

  3. How funny! And, I love that precious little dude's shirt!! :)

    Can't wait to find out!

  4. Thank y'all and you can bet I'll let ya know. LOL

  5. How cute and funny indeed! you got me :-) Congrats! the big brother is a little cutie :-) Dropping by from Wordless Wednesday


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